
1. 個人情報取扱事業者
代表取締役 中村 仁
2. 個人情報保護管理者
人事総務部長 関根 亮子
3. 取得する個人情報
- (1)
- 氏名
- 携帯電話番号
- 電子メールアドレス
- クレジットカード番号、その有効期限及びセキュリティコード
(なお、クレジットカードにかかる情報は、当社において保存されることはありません) - その他、利用者が本フォームに入力された情報
- (2)
- 端末情報
- ログ情報及び行動履歴情報
- 予約情報
- 位置情報
- Cookie 及びその他の識別子
4. 個人情報の利用目的
- (1)飲食店等の予約管理、位置情報に基づいた近隣店舗の案内など本サービスの提供のため(本サービスによる予約を取り扱う飲食店等に対する個人情報の提供を含みます)
- (2)予約が為された飲食店等について生じるキャンセル料、予約変更手数料の決済のため(クレジットカードに関する情報の入力が行われた場合のみ)
- (3)利用者向けのイベント・キャンペーンのご案内・開催や外部サービスとの連携などによるユーザー満足度の向上、本サービスの利用促進のため
- (4)本サービスの利用者へのアンケート調査実施、利用者による本サービスのご利用状況等の解析などを行い、本サービスの改善・バージョンアップを行うため
- (5)当社及び当社グループ会社における新サービスの企画・立案及び開発、当社のサービスの利用実績、利用状況を元にしたデータ解析、かかる解析結果を含む営業資料の作成及び第三者への当該資料の提供のため
- (6)当社又は当社のお取引先が提供するサービス(本サービスを含みます)に関する利用者への案内・連絡や本サービスの利用状況に基づいたレコメンド情報・メールマガジンの配信のため
- (7)その他前各号の目的に付随する目的のため
5. 個人情報の第三者提供について
- (1)
- ①本サービスを通じてご予約頂いた飲食店等(飲食店等の経営母体を含みます)
- ②決済代行会社(クレジットカードに関する情報の入力が行われた場合)
- (2)
- ①予約の受付及び確定、本人への通知・連絡、問い合わせへの回答
その他、当該飲食店等は、各々定めるプライバシーポリシー等に定める利用目的のために、利用者の個人情報を利用する場合があります。 - ②キャンセル料、予約変更手数料その他各種料金の決済のため
- ①予約の受付及び確定、本人への通知・連絡、問い合わせへの回答
- (3)
- ①氏名、携帯電話番号、電子メールアドレス、その他、利用者が本フォームに入力された情報
(クレジットカードにかかる情報は、飲食店等に対して提供されませんが、当社所定の決済代行会社に対して利用者に代わって提供します。) - ②クレジットカードにかかる情報
- ①氏名、携帯電話番号、電子メールアドレス、その他、利用者が本フォームに入力された情報
- (4)
- ①当社が運営する本サービスにかかるシステムを通じて提供(本サービスによる予約を取り扱う飲食店等に対し、当社がその利用を許諾するシステム)
- ②暗号化、トークン化されたうえで、セキュアな通信プロトコル(SSL/TLS)を使用して決済代行会社のプラットフォームに送信
- (5)
- ①個人情報の取り扱い及び秘密保持にかかる規定を含む規約に同意いただくことによる契約の締結
- ②決済代行会社が定める規約、規定の内容による
6. 個人情報取り扱いの委託について
当社は、4. 個人情報の利用目的の達成のために必要な範囲で、個人情報の取り扱いを外部に委託することがあります。この場合、個人情報保護水準の高い委託先を選定し、個人情報の適正管理・機密保持についての契約を交わし、適切な管理を実施させます。
7. 個人情報の開示等の請求
株式会社トレタ 個人情報問合せ窓口
03-6431-9006 / corporate@toreta.in (土・日・祝日・年末年始は除く)
8. 安全管理のために講じた措置
9. 本『個人情報の取り扱い(トレタウェブ予約システム)』の変更について
10. 統計処理されたデータの利用について
11. 個人情報を提供されることの任意性について
利用者が当社に個人情報を提供されるかどうかは、ご本人様の任意によるものです。 ただし、必要な項目をいただけない場合、適切な対応ができない場合があります。
12. プライバシーポリシーについて
How to handle personal information (TORETA Web Reservation System)
1. Business operator handling personal information
Toreta, Inc.
1-11-2, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Hitoshi Nakamura, Representative Director
2. Personal information manager
Director of Human Resources and General Affairs Ryoko Sekine
3. Personal Information to be obtained
We will collect the following information regarding those who make restaurant reservations (the services for making reservations at restaurants, etc. and services related thereto are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Services”, and users of the Service are referred to as “Users”) through this form (hereinafter referred to as the “Form”).
- (1)
Information to be provided by the User:
- Name
- Cell phone number
- E-mail address
- Credit card number, its expiration date and security code
(Please note that we do not store credit card information) - Other information entered by the User in this Form
- (2)
Information we collect when Users use the Service
- Terminal information
- Log information and activity history information
- Reservation information
- Location information
- Cookies and other identifiers
4. Utilization purpose of personal information
We will use Users’ personal information (meaning personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information) for the following purposes:
- (1)To provide the Service, such as managing reservations at restaurants, etc., and providing information on nearby restaurants based on location information (including the provision of personal information to restaurants, etc. that handle reservations through the Service);
- (2)To settle cancellation fees and reservation change fees incurred by restaurants for which reservations have been made (only when credit card information has been entered);
- (3)To improve user satisfaction and promote the use of the Service by introducing and holding events and campaigns for Users and linking with external services, etc.;
- (4)To improve and upgrade the Service by conducting questionnaires to the Users of the Service, analyzing the use of the Service by the Users, etc.;
- (5)To plan, draft, and develop our (including our group companies) new services, to analyze data based on the actual use and usage of our services, to prepare sales materials including the results of such analysis, and to provide such materials to third parties;
- (6)To send information and communications to Users regarding services (including the Service) provided by us or our business partners, and to distribute recommendation information and e-mail magazines based on the use of the Service; and
- (7)For other purposes incidental to the purposes of the preceding items.
5. Provision of personal information to third party
We will provide Users’ personal information to third parties as follows. In addition, we may provide Users’ personal information to third parties when the provision of personal information to third parties is permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations.
- (1)
The type and attributes of the organization to whom personal information is provided or the person to whom it is provided;
- ①The restaurants, etc. (including management entities of the restaurants) that have made reservations through this Service
- ②Payment service provider (if information regarding the credit card is entered)
- (2)
Purpose of providing personal information to each third party (items marked with ① below refer to the provision of information to restaurants, etc., and items marked with ② below refer to the provision of information to payment service provider);
- ①Receipt and confirmation of reservations, notification and communication with the person concerned, and response to inquiries. In addition, the restaurant may use the User’s personal information for the utilization purpose specified in the privacy policy, etc., of each restaurant, etc.
- ②Settlement of cancellation fees, reservation change fees, and various other charges
- (3)
Items of personal information to be provided;
- ①Name, cell phone number, e-mail address, and any other information entered by the User in this Form (credit card information will not be provided to restaurants, etc., but will be provided to our designated payment service provider on behalf of the User.)
- ②credit card information
- (4)
The means or method of providing personal information;
- ①Provided through the system for the Service operated by us (a system that we grant the right of use to restaurants, etc. that handle reservations through the Service)
- ②Encrypted, tokenized, and transmitted to the payment service provider’s platform using secure communication protocols (SSL/TLS)
- (5)
Agreements and conditions regarding the handling of personal information;
- ①Entering into a contract by agreeing to terms and conditions, including provisions for the handling of personal information and confidentiality
- ②Depends on the terms and regulations set by the payment service provider
6. Entrusting the handling of personal information;
We may entrust the handling of personal information to outside parties to the extent necessary to achieve the utilization purposes described in 4. In this case, we will select a contractor with a high level of personal information protection, sign a contract for appropriate management and confidentiality of personal information, and have the contractor implement appropriate management.
7. Request for disclosure of personal information, etc.
Users may contact the following contact point to request disclosure of their own personal information (notification of utilization purpose; disclosure of personal information and records prepared by us in accordance with Article 29, Paragraph 1 and Article 30, Paragraph 3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; correction, addition, or deletion of content; cessation of utilization or erasure; and cessation of provision to third parties).
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details of the procedure. Please note that we may not respond to your request if we are under no obligation to do so under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations.
<Inquiry contact>
Personal information inquiry contact of Toreta, Inc.
03-6431-9006 / corporate@toreta.in(Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)
8. Measures taken for safety management
We take necessary and appropriate security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and to manage such information. For details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
9. Changes to this " How to handle personal information (TORETA Web Reservation System)"
We reserve the right to change this ” How to handle personal information (TORETA Web Reservation System)” at any time, except in cases where such changes cannot be made in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. The latest terms will be displayed on the screen after the reservation information has been entered, and will also be posted on the URL: https://toreta.in/terms/pp_web_reservation/.
10. Use of statistically processed data
We may use the information obtained from this Form to create statistical data in a form that does not identify individual Users for market analysis, marketing, and the improvement, enhancement, or new development of the services we operate, and may also provide or disclose such data to third parties.
11. Voluntariness of disclosure of your personal information
Whether or not a User provides personal information to us is at his/her own discretion. However, if User does not provide us with the required items, we may not be able to respond appropriately.
12. Privacy Policy
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for other information regarding the use of personal information by us.
【Supplementary provisions】
Established: 1st March, 2015
Revised: 11th October, 2016
Revised: 3rd June, 2019
Revised: 1st October, 2020
Revised: 1st April, 2021
Revised: 19th June, 2021
Revised: 11th July, 2022
Revised: 11th July, 2023
Revised: 9th November, 2023
Revised: 1st Januayr, 2025